You may also like How to manage your team with Notion HOW TO MAKE A WEBSITE IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES Making a website in several languages can become a real headache if there is no planning or a prior positioning strategy. We start from the basis that making a website always has an objective either to create a brand or to convert into sales. Having a business objective must be key if you want to take advantage of your website.
Therefore this objective must always be accompanied by a premise web positioning. BUT WHY CREATE A WEB PAGE IN SEVERAL LANGUAGES Either because you want to internationalize your Business Email List company or because you want to exponentially increase your web traffic. DO YOU WANT TO INTERNATIONALIZE YOUR COMPANY If this is your option I will try to align myself with you. peaked in your country and increasing your turnover means an effort in Marketing.
That perhaps is not justified by the increase in your turnover. Internationalization is today the best option to increase your billing at a lower cost than you can imagine. DO YOU WANT TO INCREASE WEB TRAFFIC EXPONENTIALLY If this is your option. Then you have to achieve web positioning in other countries. Most of the world does not speak Spanish and having a website in several languages is an opportunity to increase your web audience.